Dave Thomas – Secretary & Membership

I hail originally from Yorkshire having moved South
some 20 Dave Thomas1vigyears ago to explain to the locals about the true origins of cricket and why their rugby teams have two surplus forwards.

My career background saw me qualify as an engineer before moving into management consultancy and eventually into human resources. Having decided to retire from work in  September 2012 it was my ambition to become England’s answer to Tiger Woods; unfortunately that hasn’t quite happened and I can often be found hacking my way around various golf courses as well as volunteering with Oxfam and hopefully assisting the Fun4all Charity to flourish.

In my past are the skills required for event organization from conferences to New Year’s dances, quizzes, open days and other fun things we love to do. I hope to use these skills to create fun for our carers and those they care for.

I took on the role of Secretary from September 2019. If any help is required in completing our membership form, please contact on 01249 445905 (email       membership@fun4all.org.uk)

