Our Programme up to Autumn 2020 is available here
Fun4All Prog 1b 2020
Jan 2020
2020 began with a Fish and Chip luncheon, followed by entertainment from local choir End of The Track. The group raise money for charities via their concerts and bookings to organisations like ours and are well-respected in the community. PRESS RELEASE End of the Track 2020
Dec 2019
Christmas meal and all the trimmings, followed by some wonderful singing from our entertainer Frankie Simpkins.This was the first time we have invited Frankie to entertain us and her voice was wonderful, and so suited to her choice of songs. .
This event completes our programme for 2019.
We start the 2020 Programme on 24 January with a Fish and Chip luncheon served in the Rotary Hall, followed by musical entertainment by local ensemble End of the Track
Nov 2019
Jean Collens presented a programme of whimsical articles covering various topics such as Grandchildren, the aging process, even confusion over the meaning of the acronym WC, and her content caused much merriment for the members and was a delight to listen to.
Oct 2019
25th Fish & Chip Luncheon and entertainment. 27 Members were treated to merriment from Stewart Sheppard. .
PRESS RELEASE Stewart Sheppard 2019
Annual trip to Westonbirt, but unfortunately, for the first time in 4 years, the weather was against them so were unable to go. However that did not stop us from diverting to The Lowden Garden Centre, Atworth. A good time was had by all and the Members were dropped off feeling refreshed and ready to face all their ‘duties’ again.
Sept 2019 – The Willbees
25 Members were treated to a wonderful hour of merriment from returning entertainers The Willbees. The duo harmonised superbly whilst playing their various guitars and sung many comical songs.
PRESS RELEASE The Willbees 2019
Italian Luncheon – La Passionne
17 Members went on their Annual Outing to La Passionne in Chippenham. As usual the atmosphere was wonderful and enabled us to have a relaxed meal with attentive waiters looking after our every need. The service was brilliant and so we were able to just enjoy each other’s company and chatter to our hearts content.
PRESS RELEASE La Passionne 2019
Aug 2019 – Santana
Fish and Chip Luncheon followed by a wonderful hour of entertainment from a Group called Santana. They sang various music styles including jazz, blues, rock and roll and country. A brilliant time was had by all with a resounding request for them to return next year.
Aug 2019 – Skittles
An hilarious time was had by all at the Buzby Club, Chippenham. They had a lovely Fish and Chip lunch followed by a variety of cakes for pudding. The top overall scorer was Bill from Tess’s team and Myrtle, his wife, the second highest in Roderick’s team.
July 2019
15 Members were transported to the 1000 year old Chepstow Castle for a few hours on what turned out to be a really lovely day.
May 2019 – Comedy duo Bonner and Blake
Members were entertained by the couple, who used many pieces of costume to bring us musical comedy songs which contained very clever lyrics and some great acting from Helen Blake, as she portrayed different characters, whilst John accompanied her on his guitar.
PRESS RELEASE Bonner and Blake 2019
May 2019 – Choir MASK
Fish and chip supper followed by an evening of entertainment. This year’s production was HMS PINAFORE and members thoroughly enjoyed the colourful costumes .
April 2019
A buffet lunch followed by a talk from Brenda and Richard Simpson about the health charity they support in Uganda. The presentation started with a video which explained the background to the charity, which receives no government funding or has any paid officers, just like Fun4All.
PRESS RELEASE Uganda Charity 2019
April 2019
Trip out to the American Museum in Bath. 16 Members enjoyed their visit, especially as it was a beautiful day. The house itself was full of exhibits, from war hats to buckskin dresses, and various rooms were laid out in period style. A good time was had by all.
PRESS RELEASE American Museum 2019
March 2019
We had a social event at the Rotary Hall with entertainer John Pendington. 33 Members enjoyed a Fish & Chip luncheon and were then entertained by John on his guitar and his mixture of songs. John interspersed his performance with some of his own satirical versions of popular songs.
PRESS RELEASE John Pendington 2019
Members were invited to call out requests for songs and John duly obliged , so there was something for everybody and the whole performance was hugely enjoyed by all present.
Dec 2018
Festive Meal – over 30 Members of Fun4all were treated to a wonderful 2 Course Christmas Dinner at Chippenham Golf Club. Everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable time, more so because the food was put in front of them and cleared away whilst they were able to enjoy their time having a natter and taking in the festive atmosphere.
Nov 2018
Swindon Outlet Village for some Pre-Christmas shopping. All thoroughly enjoyed their trip and returned home with several bags of shopping and lots of happy chatter. Lots of laughter was generated which lifted everybody’s spirits. PRESS RELEASE Swindon Outlet 2018
Sept 2018
Entertainment from Mike and Muriel.
The couple, who entertain in Care Homes and Nursing Homes throughout Wiltshire and parts of Somerset under the name of “SINGING FOR FUN”, delivered a mixture of favourite melodies, comedic songs and a dance demonstration.
PRESS RELEASE Mike & Muriel 2018
Members loaded on to the minibus for a very enjoyable trip to the REME Museum at Lyneham.
Aug 2018
Due to the cancellation of the “Paws For Effect”act 30 members were entertained by a duo called The Willbees
PRESS RELEASE The Willbees 2018
Photos . http://www.fun4all.org.uk/willbees-august-2018/
July 2018
27 members made it to the Rotary Hall where after eating a tasty buffet they sang along to musician Barry Pike playing his keyboard. Barry responded to requests from the audience for different types of music and some ladies did a dance routine to some country music…our own version of “The Tiller Girls”.
June 2018
39 members enjoyed a leisurely cruise on the Kennet and Avon canal. The hot weather set the scene and once we were all safely aboard the boat we were served a Fish and Chips lunch. Part way through the trip a rowdy group at the front of the boat led some ‘community’ singing of appropriate songs like “Cruising Down The River”. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the trip. PRESS RELEASE Canal Trip 2018
May 2018
Skittles and conversation event at The Buzby Club in Cocklebury Road. After a Fish and Chip lunch they were divided into two teams and battle commenced. One member, Rod, surprised everyone by scoring a 13 spare which resulted in lots of shouting and applause. PRESS RELEASE Skittles 2018
May 2018
29 Members enjoyed a lovely buffet and then Geoffrey regaled us with amusing stories of his employment as a Tour Manager for 2 Railway companies. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

PRESS RELEASE Geoffrey Roffe 2018
March 2018
Entertainment from musician Chris Stone. We welcomed 4 new members and everyone enjoyed a lovely buffet of sandwiches and cakes before Chris started his performance. Chris finished with a moving rendition of a Christian version of the song “Hallelujah”, in recognition of Easter.
PRESS RELEASE Chris Stone 2018
Feb 2018
Entertainment from Bristol-based musician John Pendlington.
30 Members enjoyed a Fish & Chips lunch and then were entertained by John, who walked among the audience whilst playing his acoustic guitar and encouraging them to shake the tambourines and rattles he had distributed. Among the popular songs that were enjoyed “Singing The Blues” was a notable success.
PRESS RELEASE John Pendlington 2018
Nov 2017
19 members attended the local Italian Restaurant La Passione for a tasty lunchtime treat.All enjoyed a delicious meal and a drink and the chance to mingle and talk with each other.
PRESS RELEASE La Passione Nov 2017
Oct 2017
23 Members enjoyed a lovely buffet lunch and then were entertained by local DJ Stewart Sheppard with a wide repertoire of songs. PRESS RELEASE Stewart Sheppard 2017
Sept 2017
Bath Racecourse.The guests were picked up in a minibus at various points around the county before arriving at the track and were provided with a lovely picnic to enjoy before the afternoon’s racing.
June 2017
Birds of Prey by local breeder Julian Frost (he had brought along 3 of his hand-reared chicks)
PRESS RELEASE Birdman 2017
12 day old Falcon chick
Many thanks to the Co-operative Local Community Fund who recently announced that we would would receive £3,012.34. This amount was raised at the Co-operative Store in Pickwick Road , Corsham.
Chair Mike Oakes would like to thank all those customers who voted for Fun4All during the fundraising period . He said “This will enable us to improve on our regular programme of events that we provide for Carers, and to increase the scope and the frequency of our events. This is so vital to the increasing number of people who are taking on the responsibility of becoming a Carer”.
Fun4All Committee member Muriel Richards identified the funding opportunity in the first place and is pictured below

(left to right )
Co-op Store Manager Keith, Area manager Melo and Fun4All Chair Mike Oakes.
June 2017
“The Wartime Kitchen” from Lynda Warren.The members enjoyed Lynda describing the processes around the evacuation of children and how they were billeted and then she went on to describe how families coped with rationing and ‘making do’ with what was available at the time.
PRESS RELEASE Wartime Kitchen2017
May 2017
Everyone enjoyed a buffet before being escorted to the Monkton Hill Church Hall where local choir MASK were performing the famous G&S comic opera.
April 2017
29 Members enjoyed a Fish and Chips lunch before the talk and settled down to hear tales about the work involved in training, and then working, with Police Dogs. Many thanks to Martin
PRESS RELEASE Police Dogs 2017
February 2017
31 Members enjoyed a lovely buffet lunch and then were entertained by local musician Chris Stone.
Jan 2017
15 Members of Fun4all were taken on a trip to the Clarkes Village outlet in Street to take advantage of the Sales after the Christmas rush. PRESS RELEASE Street 2017
Sept 2016
Fish & Chip luncheon followed by a very interesting talk on Birds of Prey by local breeder Julian Frost. 33 members enjoyed their meal and were then enthralled by the talk given by Julian.
Our next event is on 28th October with a trip to Westonbirt Arboretum to view its Autumn colourful display
August 2016
Bath Racecourse, where most members managed to select a winner, and some came out with a nice profit.
June 2016
Trip to Haynes Motor Museum on Friday 24th
May 2016
Amusing talk about the Yeoman of the Guard, given by local resident Shaun McCormack ( former Beefeater at the Tower of London) 33 members enjoyed a lunch of fish and chips before the talk and were pleased to hear about the history of the Guard.
April 2016
17 guests attended a production of HMS Pinafore by local choir MASK. The members enjoyed a lovely buffet in the Rotary Hall before walking the short distance to Central Methodist Church Hall for the performance. PRESS RELEASE HMS Pinafore
March 2016
Fish and Chip Social with entertainment from singer Chris Stone.
February 2016
34 members attended the Rotary Hall for a buffet lunch, followed by a performance of close-up magic from Tony Griffith from Bristol.All the guests found Tony’s presentation amusing and clever, with good audience participation and lost of laughter giving a break from routine, which is so vital, and the cost per head was just £3, incredible value. PRESS RELEASE Social Feb 2016
December 2015
Annual Christmas Lunch and 30 members thoroughly enjoyed being entertained by 4-piece local group Conchordia, plus comical interludes as well.Following the entertainment our guests enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. The fact that the Carers did not have to prepare the meal or wash up gave them some relief from their 24/7 Caring duties, so vital for their own well-being.
November 2015
A visit Cribbs Causeway Shopping Centre for Christmas
October 2015
A huge thank you to all the gamers who supported Ludonation.uk ludonation.uk/ on 26 September and raised a net figure of £376.16. We all had a great time ! To this figure I have added the contents of the charity boxes that Kevin and I put out each week at the Chippenham Games Club and that amounted to £107.51, so I will be able to bank £483.67 to the Fun4All Account.
This is a fantastic amount to a small local charity like ourselves and I can assure you it will be put to good use.With so many people acting as unpaid carers in society today, and for so many different ‘impairments’, we recognise the need to provide them with a break.
Happy Gaming and good luck to you all.
Best Regards Mike Oakes Chair, Fun4All
August 2015
Racing at Bath Racecourse with some members going racing for the first time ever. The guests were picked up in a minibus at various points around the county before arriving at the track and were provided with a lovely picnic to enjoy before the afternoon’s racing. PRESS RELEASE Bath Races
Our trip to Castle Combe Motor Racing Circuit on August 8th on a beautiful hot summers day involved many different makes of cars, with everyone having a fabulous day out PRESS RELEASE Castle Combe
July 2015
Fish & Chips Social followed by singalong entertainment from local vocalist Chris Stone. Press Release Social
May 2015
19 members attended Fish & Chip supper and sang a few songs together to commemorate the VE Day 70th Anniversary. Followed by a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera “Iolanthe ” by local choir MASK. PRESS RELEASE Iolanthe and Chips2015
March 2015
A very successful Hilton Weekend Fun Weekend
Jan 2015
28 members attended Fish & Chip lunch and social. PRESS RELEASE After the meal the members joined in some community Singing led by Mike .
Nov 2014
That’s The Way To Do IT !!
Over 20 members attended the Rotary Hall to hear a very amusing talk about the history of Punch and Judy, given by local historian John Girvan. Punch & Judy 2014
Oct 2014
- 38 members attended a very entertaining and successful Fish and Chip supper and ‘Singalong a Mike’ at Wilton. see Wilton 2014
Sept 2014
Lee and Alison Baldwin and their twin sons climbed Ben Nevis in a 9 hour trek raising over £700.
Aug 2014
Chippenham-based charity Fun4All, which aims to give Wiltshire Carers and those they Care For a break, continued their 2014 programme of events with a Fish and Chip lunch, followed by singalong entertainment from local vocalist Christ Stone.
July 2014
Visit to Devizes to see a production of “Shake, Ripple & Roll” by the Wharf Youth Theatre. PRESS RELEASE Wharf Theatre2014
May 2014
Mikado and Fish & Chips; Chippenham all for just £3
read story here.. PRESS RELEASE Mikado and Chips2014
Feb 2014
Chippenham-based charity Fun4All, which aims to give carers and those they care for a break, held its second residential break over the weekend of 7-9 February at the Hilton Hotel, Swindon, where 55 guests enjoyed a packed programme of entertainment and activities.
read story here.. PRESS RELEASE Hilton Weekend Feb 2014
June 2013 – Strictly Come Caring
PRESS RELEASE Strictly Come Caring
March 2013 – Co-op thanks
Nov 2012. A charity called Fun4All has been launched in Chippenham