It will be impossible to restart our events and activities until next year (2021); there are too many restrictions at the moment with COVID-19

Hiring the Hall with only limited numbers allowed to attend, and the same situation applying to the minibus.  Be reassured we will endeavour to sort something out when circumstances improve. We hope to review the situation in March 2021 and depending on how the laws stand with Covid 19 at that time we hope to be able to welcome you back again in April 2021. I thank you all once again for your support. Muriel

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AGM 2015 Notice of Annual General Meeting of Fun4All

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Fun4All which is to be held on Monday 26th October 2015 at 79 Eastern Avenue, Chippenham SN15 3LL at 6:00pm

Fun4All goes ‘flying’

Chippenham-based charity Fun4All, which aims to give all Wiltshire Carers and those they Care for a break, continued their 2014 programme of events with a visit to Old Sarum Airfield